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Depends on the type of nerve. There are two basic types of nerves. A nonmylnated never sends a single around a meter per second, or 3 feet a second. A mylinated never on the other hand sends a signal around 320 meters/second.

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Q: How fast are your nerves?
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You spelled nervous wrong dude and you put nerves! 😂🤣

How fast does it take for the nerves to transport from your brain to your arm?

7 days

How fast do nerves die off?

Nerves do not die off quickly. The process of nerve degeneration can be slow and dependent on the individual. Factors like age, health conditions, and injuries can affect how fast nerves may deteriorate. Proper medical treatment and care can help slow or prevent nerve damage.

What is the main functions of nerves?

Tranmits information extremely fast between different parts of the body

Does your heart beat fast when you cry about someone dying?

Your heart beats faster do to your nerves needing more blood. Therefore if your nerves get excited from your thoughts then yes your heart will beat faster.

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daises can not produce food because they are a living thing but has not fast movements in their nerves

How do you ease nerves fast?

squeeze a stress ball as hard as you can or list all the things that you like about urself.

What are the names of various types of nerves as per classification in term of their speed of conduction?

Fast twitch and slow twitch

How does the brain send messages to the body so fast?

Through nerves; speed : 120 m/s.

What is a is a long bundle of neurons that carries messages to and from the body to the brain that is responsible for very fast lifesaving reflexes.?

Spinal Cord

How fast does nerves send messages to the brain?

It varies from nerve to nerve (from 1 meter per second to 100 meters per second). The nerves to the voluntary muscles are myelinated, and thus are at the high speed end of speeds.

Are spinal nerves are sensory nerves?

Some are sensory nerves, some are motor nerves