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you are born with astham but could take 3 years to form
no ways! never, that can't happen, it's impossible

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15y ago

You can't catch Asthma from someone, since is not a contagious disease.

Asthma tends to run in families, so if your parents one or both have asthma, you have more chances to develop it

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Q: How easy is asthma to catch?
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Can you catch asthma off a dog?

you cant catch asthma

Is asthma an infectious or non infectious condition?

You can’t catch asthma from anyone.

How could you catch asthma?

You can't.

Are there any easy treatments for asthma?

Treating asthma is no easy task, and because of that everyone is looking for natural asthma treatments. There are various different ways to treat asthma, it can be done naturally, by using medications, or even by using herbal treatments can be used to treat asthma.

Can you get asthma?

No, you either grow into it or you are born with it. You can't catch it like a cold!!

Is astima infectious diseases?

Nope, you can't catch asthma from someone else.

Can you predict asthma attacks?

I have asthma and I can't predict if I'm going to have an asthma attack that day but if i wake up and my chest is tight then I make sure to take it easy in any activities to prevent an asthma attack

What was the cause of John Locke's death?

In his last few years of life, he had Asthma. So it is assumed he had died of complications from asthma. You see, back when he lived, we didn't have good asthma medicine, so it was easy for one to die from their Allergies.

Can cats catch asthma from each other?

No, asthma is not contagious. Asthma in cats, like in humans, is an immune-mediated disease that is a result of the interaction between the cat's innate immune system and the environment in which the cat lives.

Can one get infected by asthma while sitting close to the infected person?

i have no idea wat u talkin bout Yes, it can be passed down through the character sequences in the DNA, but no, it can not be spread from person-to-person. If you mean can you get asthma from someone else who has it the answer is no. Asthma is an allergic reaction, not actually a disease, and therefore cannot be given to other people. Trust me I have it.

Heart disease cancer and asthma are examples what?

Heart disease, cancer and Asthma are all examples of things that can kill you. All of these three things can be treated.

How do you easily catch Betty Jetty?

you dont catch her easy