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Cramping can occur at anytime during as this will be your uterus stretching. Typically around a week after conception and feels like period cramps. Hope this helps :)

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Q: How early does cramping occur and how does it feel?
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Can you have a metallic smelling discharge n cramping while pregnant?

You should not have a metallic smelling discharge and cramping while pregnant. Mild cramping can occur during early pregnancy, as your uterus is growing and your ligaments are adjusting. However, the cramping and discharge needs to be investigated by your Doctor. This may indicate a water infection or a yeast infection. See your Doctor.

Why does cramping occur in a miscarriage?

The cramping occurs because the uterus attempts to push out the pregnancy tissue.

Is it normal for the cramping to stop during early pregnancy?

Yes. Cramping during early pregnancy comes and goes.

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What does early pregnancy cramping feel like?

Almost like your period is coming, but it usually is to one side or in the middle, But not much different than pms cramps.

Could discharge and cramping occur if I am pregnant?

Discharge and cramping can occur during pregnancy, particularly during the first and third trimesters. However, they can also be signs that your period is about to arrive. Pregnancy cramping shouldn't be too painful or be accompanied by heavy bleeding

What could be wrong if you are cramping but not bleeding?

It's not unheard of for period like cramping to occur as early as 7-14 days before your period. However the cramping may be caused by a UTI, approaching period or even Ovulation. If the cramping is severe enough to require pain killers & your period doesn't arrive on time, then see your Doctor for a pregnancy blood test & also have a urine test performed for a UTI.

Can you have mild cramping in very early pregnancy?

yes you sure can

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