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body temperature will only protect against disease when a fever (any temperature above 98.6) develops however fevers are dangerous because they can cause brain damage by over heating yawing was recently discovered to reduce the brains temperature

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Q: How does your sweat protect your body from diseases?
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Antigens do not protect the body from disease. Antibodies protect the body from many diseases.

What protects your body from infectious diseases?

You have the immune system to protect you from the infectious diseases. You have two types of immunity. Cell mediated and humeral type.

What is excreta transmitted diseases?

Excreta transmitted diseases are diseases in which the body excretes waste such as urine, sweat, and feces. Some of these diseases include cholera, polio, and typhoid.

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protect your body from diseases is the common answer

What is the importance of sweat?

Sweat is important for regulating body temperature as it helps cool the body through evaporation. It also plays a role in maintaining electrolyte balance and eliminating waste products from the body. Additionally, sweat can help protect the skin by reducing the risk of bacterial and fungal infections.

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The hairs protect your body from germs and diseases.

Do sweat glands get a diseases?


What purposes does the production of sweat on the skin serve?

The production of sweat on the skin helps regulate body temperature by cooling the body as the sweat evaporates. Sweat also helps remove waste products from the body and plays a role in maintaining skin hydration. Additionally, sweat can contain antibacterial properties that help protect the skin from infections.

Is immunity a specific body defense mechanism?

yes because it defend/protect us from the diseases

How do vaccines protect the body from diseases?

A vaccines helps because they put some of the disease in your body then your body can get use to it so if you get that disease your body can easily fight it out of you!

Why is sweat not considered a body fluid?

Sweat is primarily composed of water and electrolytes that are secreted by sweat glands to regulate body temperature. Although it is a secretion that exits the body, it is not considered a body fluid like blood or saliva, which have different functions and compositions. Sweat is produced by sweat glands in response to heat or physical exertion, while body fluids play roles in various bodily functions such as nutrient transport, waste removal, and pH regulation.

What fluid carries different substances and cells that helps regulate body functions and protect the body againts diseases and infection?
