Transportation and communication means affect how far apart people can live. In communities with good transportation and communication networks, people can settle further apart.
Transportation played a key role in shaping settlement patterns by determining where people lived and worked. Access to waterways often led to the development of towns and cities, while road networks connected communities and enabled trade. The introduction of railways and highways further influenced settlement by facilitating movement and encouraging development along transportation routes.
Because of the Mississippi river allowed transportation of goods and people from the Gulf of Mexico and land -east and west.AnswerBecause of the Mississippi river allowed transportation of goods and people from the Gulf of Mexico and land -east and west.
it affect the trade and settlement because people had to go to the Mediterranean Sea
Factors that influence settlement patterns include geography (availability of resources, proximity to water), climate, economic opportunities, social factors (culture, religion), political factors (government policies, conflicts), and technological advancements (transportation, communication).
it helps you get places faster
Chemistry is very important in transportation and communication. Chemistry is the reason why motor vehicles are able to move people for example.
Factors such as physical geography (topography, climate), resources availability, transportation routes, government policies, cultural preferences, and historical developments can all influence settlement patterns. Populations tend to cluster around resources and transportation nodes, impacting the distribution and growth of settlements.
Geographical features can impact people's access to resources such as water and arable land, as well as their susceptibility to natural disasters. They can also influence transportation and trade networks, cultural practices, and settlement patterns. Terrain such as mountains, deserts, and oceans can present challenges for communication and movement between regions.
people walk and they talk to people face to face.
Computers contribute in a variety of different sectors of human life. They affect communication, science, transportation, and many other areas that people use every day.