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What it does is it dries out your pimple(s) and kills the pathogens in the puss! [Because toothpaste contains a substace that gets rid of pimples (acne)]


Make sure its the paste kind not the gel kind. And make sure its white, the other leading brands don't have that substance that help you acne.

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the toothpaste dries the spot and skin so be carefull where you put it because it can be quite harsh

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Q: How does toothpaste help your pimples?
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Does mint to past help pimples go away?

If you are referring to mint in toothpaste, this has been a long trusted home remedy. Applying toothpaste to pimples helps dry them up. You need to do it for about a week.

Does toothpaste get rid of pimples?

Toothpaste dries out pimples, which can cause them to go away faster. However, toothpaste can also "burn" your skin if left on too long or applied to heavily. Use a pimple cream instead.

What are the most effective pimples home remedies?

There are many effective home remedies for pimples one could try. Using ice cubes will help shrink the pimples and applying toothpaste to the area can also reduce their size. Lemon, vinegar and cucumber can also be used.

Does toothpaste help clear out pimples?

Usually, it does. It only works with a toothPASTE not toothpaste (the gel kind). I would recommend using Crest (the regular mint kind). What it does is it crusts up and dries (I would leave it on either overnight or 3-4 hours at a time. After you wake up (or time is up) wash your toothpaste off and put on some lotion. That should do it!

How do you get rid of pimples without using acne products?

Try applying toothpaste on you spots. It will help dry them up. Also try tea tree oil.

How do you get rid of popped pimples fast?

I know this answer sounds weird but it actually works. If you rub toothpaste into your skin where your pimples are right before you go to sleep they get much smaller. Toothpaste makes the pimples dry so they shrivel and become much smaller. Also toothpaste has fluoride, which kill the bacteria and makes the pimples cleaner so they are not as clogged and disgusting. Another thing you can do is pop them, but you can't pop them right when you get them you must pop them when they are ready (which could take a while). It worked for me and now the pimples are gone! :D

How do you get rid of small pimples in a few hours?

This won't work in a few hours, but it can help overnight. Wash your face with a warm washcloth and pat dry. Put a dab of any kind of toothpaste that is completely white, and dab the toothpaste onto the pimples. The toothpaste helps to dry blemishes so they either get smaller or disappear. If a pimple already has formed a "head", try using a warm compress --warm washcloth put over it for 15 minutes, then pat dry and try the toothpaste. In the morning, remember to wash your face to remove any leftover toothpaste! However! I need to say that even if the pimples do not disappear, you must remember that many teens experience break outs. Don't be embarrassed by it.

Will Colgate toothpaste make pimples go away?

No, using Colgate on acne spots will not necessarily improve your skin. Toothpaste will have a drying effect though, and could cause further irritation, peeling, and redness. To more effectively treat acne, use a formula specifically for skin, such as benzoyl peroxide.

Remedy for pimples?

toothpaste works for me. apply to the blemish and leave over night. hope this helps :D

Does toothpaste reduce redness from pimples?

YES! if you keep the toothpaste on ur pimple for bout 30 minutes hten the redness of the pimple around it will reduce, and it will make it stop stinging! :-) UPDATE: you can also use eye drops (that reduce redness in the eyes). It also helps on pimples.

How to get rid of pimples on your cheeks even if they arnt super red if they are just skin color bumps because ive had mine for forever and they still wont go away what can i do?

You can use Pro-Active to help get rid of pimples. One home remedy is to use toothpaste on the pimple at night.

How do you apply toothpaste to your face when trying to get rid of pimples?

Toothpaste is only good for pimples on your face. It dries them out. Toothpaste is not good for the skin. If you do use toothpaste for your pimples use white or clear toothpaste. Colored toothpaste will stain your face and make your face the color of the toothpaste for days. Also only put the toothpaste on the pimple. Not on your entire face. It will burn you until your eyes start to water if you do. Also be sure to not leave the toothpaste on for more than 5 minutes or else strong burning will occur.