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Q: How does the structure of the smail intestine help absorption?
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Villi are part of the structure of the?

Villi are part of the structure of the small intestine(ileum). They help increase surface area for absorption of nutrients.

How do the micro villi help in the absorption of food?

small intestine

How does the structure of the small intestine help the Small intestine?

the villi in the small intestines.

Advantage of having a long small intestine?

Having a long small intestine allows for more surface area for nutrient absorption. This means that the body can extract more nutrients from food, leading to better nourishment. Additionally, a longer small intestine can help in the digestion of complex carbohydrates and proteins.

Absorption of the villi happens where?

Absorption of nutrients primarily occurs in the small intestine, specifically in the villi. The villi are finger-like projections that line the walls of the small intestine and help increase the surface area for absorption. Nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream through the villi to be distributed throughout the body.

What does small intestine contain?

The small intestine contains villi and microvilli that increase its surface area for better absorption of nutrients. It also contains enzymes and bile that help in breaking down food particles for absorption. Additionally, the small intestine is lined with specialized cells that aid in nutrient absorption.

Which GI tract contains villi?

The small intestine contains villi. Villi are small finger-like projections on the inner lining of the small intestine that help increase the surface area for absorption of nutrients.

What structure in the lungs help to increase the absorption of oxygen?

The alveoli.The Respiratory System

How thousands of folds and sub-folds in the small intestine help in digestion?

It increases the surface area available for absorption of digestion nutrients.

What are the finger like projections in the small intestine that act to increase the surface for absorption?

finger like projections in small intestine are called villi to increase surface area for absorption of food in small intestine.

What parts of the structure of the small intestine specially shaped to help its intestine do its job?

Your liver And pancreas are shaped to help it do its job If you are in fifth grade and your doing this you should have just gotten it out of your science textbook (: happy to help

What parts of the structure of the small intestine are specially shaped to help the intestine do it job?

Your liver And pancreas are shaped to help it do its job If you are in fifth grade and your doing this you should have just gotten it out of your science textbook (: happy to help