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Yes. Oxygen goes to every organ of the body. It gets there via the blood. Blood travels to organs through special blood vessels called arteries. The arteries that provide blood to the heart are called coronary arteries, from a Latin word that means heart.

How oxygen gets into the blood is via the respiratory system, which uses the lungs to take oxygen from the air we breathe and put it into the blood. Once in the blood, oxygen travels to the heart, then into the arteries, and then it moves from the blood into cells of the heart in a process called diffusion.

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16y ago
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13y ago

You breath in oxygen, then the oxygen goes to your lungs. As you breath, the oxygen flows through one of the valves in your heart and oxygenates your blood cells, then the blood cells are pumped around your body, and once they have used up their oxygen, they are pumped back to the heart to receive more oxygen.

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9y ago

The oxygen gets from the HEART TO THE BODY not the other way around. The heart takes in deoxygenated blood from the body and directs it to the lungs with the help of the PULMONARY ARTERY. Once the blood has been oxygenated it gets sent back to the heart through the PULMONARY VEIN. From there the oxygenated blood is directed to the Aorta and sent to the rest of the body.

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10y ago

Oxygen is picked up from the lungs and carried into the heart by way of the 4 pulmonary veins. These empty into the left atrium and then flow into the left ventricle. From the left ventricle this oxygenated blood is pumped to the body.

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13y ago

1: the lungs do not carry oxygen, that's why we have blood vessels. 2: the blood vessels from the lungs always bring oxygen to the heart, and to no where else in the body.

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15y ago

When blood enters the heart it is deoxgenated as it enters the right atrium.

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12y ago

it mixes into the blood.

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Q: How does the oxygen get from the body to the heart?
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What chamber of the heart give the body oxygen?

the heart does not give the body it's oxygen it is the lungs. The heart is used to pump the blood to the lungs to pick up oxygen and then to pump the blood throughout the body and add oxygen to the blood cells.

How does the heart supply the body with oxygen?

The heart pumps oxygen-rich blood to the entire body through the circulatory system. Blood picks up oxygen in the lungs and then is pumped by the heart to deliver the oxygen to all cells and tissues in the body. This process ensures that the body's cells have the oxygen they need to function properly.

How does the heart get blood around the body?

the heart has a four chamber system it takes in the blood with out oxygen, gives it oxygen and pumps it though out the body

What oxygen pushes blood through your body?

Oxygen does not push blood through the body, the heart does.

When body is at risk the heart does not require oxygen?

I believe all organs (including the heart) require oxygen.

How much oxygen does your heart use?

The heart uses about 20% of the body's total oxygen supply. It requires a constant supply of oxygen to function properly and sustain the body's energy needs. If the heart does not receive enough oxygen, it can lead to serious health issues such as heart attacks.

How does the heart give the body oxgyen?

The heart pumps oxygen rich blood around the body.

How is the blood different in the arteries going out to body cells compared to the blood coming back to the heart from the body cells?

I'm no anonomy expert, but the blood carried from the heart to the body is oxygen rich while the blood coming from the body has had it's oxygen absorbed so it goes through the heart to the lungs, where it gets oxygen, back to the heart and out to the body again.

Why does the heart pump to the different parts of the body?

Because your muscles need oxygen and oxygen is in the blood so the heart pumps bloid around the body

Why do you think it is important that the heart pumps oxygen rich blood to the body?

because the body needs oxygen, which is received from the heart to perform all activities

Why is the blood flowing to the heart oxygen-poor while the blood flowing to the rest of the body is oxygen-rich?

The blood returning to the heart is oxygen-poor because it has already delivered oxygen to the body's tissues and picked up carbon dioxide, which is a waste product of cellular metabolism. This deoxygenated blood then returns to the heart to be pumped to the lungs for oxygenation before being circulated back to the rest of the body.

How does the heart get oxygen blood to the body?

The heart distributed oxygenated blood to the body with the help of Arteries and Arterioles.