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If you have anti-social personality disorder the military wipes their hands clean of you and kick you out.

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Q: How does the military deal with a sociopath in Iraq?
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How do you deal with a sociopath female?

Just because she is "female" doesnt mean anything. A sociopath is a sociopath and the only way to "deal" with them is to stay as far away as possible.

When did Iraq under U.S. Military Occupation happen?

Iraq under U.S. Military Occupation happened in 2003.

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ALL of US military branches are currently seving some part in Iraq.

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It was not related. We are not taking over Iraq and stealing its oil, the "war" is not actually a war, it is a joint military effort between the US military and the military of Iraq against Islamic radicals.

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It is not known if the U.S. Military uses snipers in Iraq. However, it is very likely that the the Unites States Military uses snipers in Iraq. The government or the military it self don't tend to release information often.

How do you deal with a sociopath?

Dealing with a SociopathWikiAnswers contributors give their opinions:Stay away from them. This is not a joke. You do not "deal" with sociopaths. Get a copy of "The Sociopath Next Door" and read it for some perspective.If possible, it is best to just avoid sociopaths. If you cannot avoid them, be on guard, and if necessary call the police.

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Spice is not allowed for the military at all.

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The first was over Iraq taking Kuwait. The second was an attempt by US to reduce Iraq's military power.

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The soldier and his military comrades are packing for their third deployment to Iraq.