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the heart will get its supply of blood from the coronary artery. there are two coronary arteries in our body, the left and right coronary artery. each of these will set up small branches to supply blood and oxygen to different part of the heart. if one of these arteries get blocked, part of the heart muscle will not get enough oxygen and the person will suffer from heart attack.

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Q: How does the heart receive blood into it?
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Where from your heart receive its blood and nutrients?

Heart receive the blood from ascending aorta. You get right and left coronary arteries from the aorta, to supply blood and nutrients to your heart.

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Atria receive blood from the veins.

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The superior and inferior cavity receive blood returning to the heart, the pulmonary veins bring blood back to the heart from the lungs.

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The left atrium receives blood returning to the heart from the lungs.

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Hollow areas in the heart that receive incoming blood from the lungs and ship it out again are called chambers. The human heart has four chambers.

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The atria are chambers that receive blood that returns to the heart.

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The atria are chambers that receive blood that returns to the heart.

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Blood and Oxygen.A heart attack which can cause death.