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The cilia in the trachea is same as the cilia in the nose. They both clean the air before entering our lungs. If there's no cilia, then the lungs would most likely have problems, if not dealt with quickly. Noticed how when you breathe through your mouth more often you cough more. This is because of the cilia cleaning the air and also forcing the dirty particles out of the respiratory system.

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Q: How does the cilia in the trachea help keep the respiratory system clean?
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Hairlike structures that line the nasal cavities and the trachea?

Cilia are hairlike structures that line the nasal cavities and the trachea. They help to sweep mucus and particles out of the respiratory system to keep it clean and protect the lungs from infections.

What part of the respiratory system is responsible for filtering the air as you breathe?

The respiratory system does not contain any structure that filters air. The trachea and bronchus are lined with a mucous membrane that helps trap debris and carry it out of the body, but this is not a filtration system.

How is the respiratory system kept clean?

the cilia filtrate the air going into the system

How the nose helps to clean air as the air enters the respiratory system?

Mucus in the nose helps trap particles entering the respiratory system. The hairs/cilia of the respiratory system also filter incoming air.

What are tiny hairs in the windpipe are calleD?

Tiny hairs in the windpipe are called cilia. The cilia help to move mucus and debris out of the respiratory tract to keep the airways clean and prevent infection.

Which phrase best describes the function of cilia?

Cilia are tiny hair-like structures that line the respiratory tract and move in a coordinated manner to sweep mucus and foreign particles out of the airways. They function to protect and clean the respiratory system.

What do the cilia that line the walls of air passageways do?

Cilia in the air passageways help to sweep mucus, debris, and pathogens out of the respiratory system to protect against infections and keep the airways clear for breathing.

What is Cilia in the repiratory system?

Cilia are cells with tiny hairs like parts on them found in your trachea and lungs. They aid in the movement of mucous and dirt particles out of your lungs. They can also be permanently damaged by smoking resulting in the inability to effectively clean the lungs.

What is the function of cell lining the trachea?

The cilia are always moving, bacteria or particles of dust trapped in the mucus are moved away by cilia. The cilia waft the mucus containing bacteria and dust up to the back of the throat, so that it doesn't block up the trachea and thus keeps it clean.

Why do people have hairs on their trachea?

The hairs on the trachea are called Cilia and are for helping lifting up the mucus up the throat. Smoking can kill these hairs and they will have to swallow the mucus.=D

What is the purpose of cilia in the nose and trachea?

Cilia in the nose and trachea help to trap and sweep away particles, dust, bacteria, and other foreign substances that enter the respiratory system. They play a crucial role in keeping the airways clean and protecting the lungs from potential infections and irritants.

What parts of respiratory system clean air?

The mucus produced by the epithelial cells serves to trap dust particles, and the cilia gradually push them back out.