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They are all in different places.

Skeletal muscles are striated and are the muscles that are in voluntary control. These include biceps(arm), pectoralis major(chest) and other muscles that you can move. These muscles are striated and has many nuclei.

Smooth muscles are not striated and are the muscles that are not in voluntary control. These include organs and blood vessels, excluding heart. These muscles are unstriated with one nucleus. Smooth muscles has only one nucleus.

There is only one place where cardiac muscle is found: the heart. Also called myocardium, this muscle is striated and has one nucleus. Cardiac muscle also contains intercalated disc, which acts as a junction between the two muscle cells.

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13y ago
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12y ago

Contraction in skeletal muscle begins with a nerve impulse - acetlycholine is released at the neuromuscular junction and binds to receptors in the muscle. This causes the release of calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. This calcium then binds to troponin, causing tropomyosin to move and allowing cross-bridges to form between the myosin and actin filaments. The actin is then pulled (slides) across the myosin.

Unlike skeletal muscle, there is no neuromuscular junction or troponin in smooth muscle. Instead, contraction is started by the release of neurotransmitter vesicles (membrane bound containers) into the space between the cells. In smooth muscle calcium acts directly on the myosin head - causing cross-bridges to form. The muscle then contracts.

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9y ago

One of the major differences is the type of fibers present on each of them: - For example: Skeletal Muscle contains both Fast & Slow Twitch muscle fibers, that allow for a faster reaction where needed, and the opposite is true for the Slow as well. The major difference being, fast twitch muscle gets fatigued faster then slow twitch (see glycogen-lactic pathway, and energy production in muscle). So you can ask yourself the question, why doesn't smooth muscle, or cardiac muscle get fatigued? - That would be a great place to start searching... There is no point spoon feeding. (ed: spelling) Also generally, smooth muscle contracts involuntarily whereas skeletal muscle is under voluntary control. also , the cardiac and skeletal muscles are striated muscles but smooth muscle is not .
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11y ago

they are obiviosly different and all of these answers can be wrong if im answering it and i have no clue at all thid snoyes the difference that i know personally is that they are located in different places and the structure of the cell .... i got the answer right on the homework so it shoud be right but you know we never know just do it . c:

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8y ago

the biggest difference is in the cellular structure/makeup. for instance say you are a brick mason and building a wall. you can use standard red brick, cement block brick, or some other variant in size, shape, and structure. nevertheless you will still have a wall but the look will be different, the strength of the wall itself will be different, and its purpose will be different. thus the three different muscles are made of different types of bricks/cells.

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9y ago

Skeletal muscle is attached to bones, when cardiac muscle is only found in your heart and smooth muscles is only found in your internal organs.

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