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I have nvr been in such a situation and hope 2 never be. But to tell u the truth i personally think that yu lose all trust that your family might have given you. Some will help you but they will not still believe that what you did was right but hey im not the persn to b answering this question. One thing really quick.

Let's say ur a bird in a cage. you can only fly ou are where the bars of the cage allow u. You are trapped inside of that cage. But you see u used 2 b a lion. Free to roam the grounds. he king of the area. But captured by temptation and was raised by pure- pressure. U felt abandoned and hurt as if there was no point in living anymore. U are probab;y thinking i should live on but this human being inside me is the cause of all my problems. They deserve 2 die. In all reality that baby did nothing to u or the father. It grew in the womb of the girl that is now her mother. That baby that you hold within your stomach is waiting til that very day to see your bright shining face and that smile that lights up the dark. Washes all fear away and has the gentle touch of someone that you will automatically know that that person is a girl who will take care of me the best she can every step of my life. Just to hear the child's voice. I love you mommy. I love you. No matter what i will always love you. It wasnt your fault it never was. I love you mommy.



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13y ago
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13y ago

The social life is changing and you really see who your real friends are. School is getting harder since a pregnancy affects everything. Also not being in control over your own life is usually frustrating as a teen but adding a pregnancy on top of it and being more depending on your parents then ever is not fun. Physically she will have the same as a adult being pregnant.

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14y ago

Sometimes, Teen Pregnancy Can Affect Your Relationships With Your Partner, Friends Or Family. It Can Affect In Good & Bad Ways. Sometimes If Your Partner Is Ready To Have A Baby, It Can Affect In A Bad Way. But If Your Partner Is Ready &/Or Stands By Your Side The Whole Time Before & After The Baby Is Born Than It Will Affect Good. It Can Affect With Friends Because, The May Think You Are Too Young & Not Support You. Or Be Jealous & Cause Bad Changes. Friends Can Also Be There 100% & Support You All The Way, Causing Good Affects. With Family, Its Just The Same As Friends. They May Think Teen's Are Too Young & Not Approve, Or Sooner Or Later Get Over That Fact That You Are A Teen & Relize You Are Becoming A Parent & Support You. Always Remember That If You Are A Teen Parent, Its Going To Be A Hard Road, But The People Who Support You Deserve To Be In Your Future. The People Who Don't, Make Them Your Past Because This Is Very Important For You & Your Going To Need Support. Don't Worry About The People In Your Past, Theres A Reason They Didnt Make It To Your Future. I Hoped This Help. xoxo, SmileLiddoOne.

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16y ago

honestly, all families are different. Some accept it, and some will deny you. mine denied me somewhat till i gave birth

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8y ago

Pregnancy can affect your health with gestational Diabetes and other complications. It also means you are responsible for taking care of the child until age 18 and possibly longer.

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Q: How does teen pregnancy affect the relationship with their family?
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How does teen pregnancy affect the teen life?

Teen pregnancy change both a male and female teen... Pregnancy and birth can cause slot of stress and may cause you relationship with boyfriend or girlfriend to end. Pregnancy is slot of work and you need to take care of the baby and yourself.... Watch 16 and pregnant ... That might help... Good luck :)

How does teen pregnancy affect the family as a whole?

as a whole most teen's are to immature physically and mentally, emotionally to raise a child so the teen's parent's usually end up raising the child. so it affects them and any sibling's the teen mother may have.

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We haven't seen that in the statistics but it might come up later.

How can your baby be affected by teenage pregnancy?

Please see related links. There are many factors of teen pregnancy that can affect the fetus, and factors of teen parenting that can affect the child. Some of these are strictly medical whereas others have more to do with the stress caused by things a teen parent has to deal with. Stress is the most major contributor to health problems in both the mother and child in regards to teen pregnancy and parenting.

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You can write about how to prevent teen pregnancy. Or what causes teen pregnancy. Talking about the right form of education to prevent teen pregnancy will work as well.

How does teen pregnancy affect your future?

Teen pregnancy drasticly affects your future, you will find it hard to go to school because you will need to take care of the baby so you will probably drop and get a job as a cashier on minimum wage to support your baby and never get your education. Also you wont have time for your friends like you see on tv. So truthfully teen pregnancy will affect your life in so many negative ways

How does teen pregnancy effect on your life?

Teen pregnancy can affect your life because you are still yung and have a lot of things to accomplish! theirs alot of hard chooses to come with that preganancy like if your going to keep the baby or not. but on the plus side a child is a gift from God and everything happens for a reason. =)---- I would say that teen pregnancy could be VERY bad or VERY good. it wont be good until later but hopefully you have a supportive family and plans for what you want in your future for YOU - such as school and a career. If you don't have any of these things, it is NOT a good idea.

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Teen pregnancy can be improved my spreading awareness. Telling your friends about how to have safe sex is a great way to prevent teen pregnancy. Knowing the facts about sex and how to not get pregnant.

What is the teen pregnancy rate?

The teen pregnancy rate for the U.S.A is 22 pregnancies out of every 1,000 girls.

Is there a cheat for sims life stories for teen pregnancy?

In sims life stories there is no cheat for teen pregnancy.

How does a teen pregnancy affect the earning potential for the mother?

60% drop out of school and only a few have gone to college by the time they are 30.