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When sweat moves out onto the skin, heat transfers from the body to the sweat on your skin which eventually evaporates, removing the heat and cooling the skin. This system eliminates heat produced by muscle contractions.

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14y ago

Because when you sweat, you're getting rid of the excess waste that's in your body.

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Q: How does sweat help a runner?
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What is in runner sweat?

In a runners sweat there is water and presperation to keep the runner cool.

How do you use globule in a sentence?

There were globules of sweat on the runner.

What is in a runner's sweat?

A runner's sweat primarily consists of water and electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and chloride. It may also contain small amounts of waste products like urea and lactate. The composition of sweat can vary depending on factors such as fitness level, temperature, and hydration status.

Why would a runner start to sweat?

Perspiration (sweat) is generated by the body in normal circumstances to act as a cooling system. When a sports person, in this case a runner generates above normal temperature the body's sweat gland are triggered to produce sweat. The effect of air on the wet areas of the body act as a cooler.

Why is it dangerous if a runner loses sweat in a race?

Because sweet is the body's function to cool you down. The runner could overheat and pass out.

Are sweat suits good runner clothing?

Yes, sweat suits are good to wear for running. As long as you are comfortable, then you are all set.

Which is more disgusting saliva or sweat?

Uh...personally...I think saliva. But that's only because I'm a runner and I don't mind sweat.

How much can a person sweat in an hour?

500 millilters an hour Im a runner i know things ;)

Are there track pants that help with sweat problems?

It will depend on what you mean. There are some materials that will help with wicking away sweat (technical clothing), and there are pants that have liners (to absorb the sweat).

How does evaporation help a runner to lose energy use ideas of molecules in the answer?

For the runner to cool

What is a 5 letter word for perspiration?


What does deodorant do?

Deodorant is spread into the armpit to help mask the smell of sweat. They do not cause your armpits to sweat less, though. Antiperspirants plug the sweat glands up in your armpits so that you do sweat less. Most antiperspirants also have a deodorant in them as well, to not only help you to sweat less, but reduce any odor caused by the sweat in your armpits.