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iT RESULTS IN DEATH. Death of your mental processes, death of your personality, death of your ability to relate to reality, death of your career, death of your social status, and death by overdose. Have a nice life.

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11y ago

You can tell by attitude. without the drug they will be tired yet jittery from anxiety, short tempered, speak monotone, antisocial and if they stopped doing things they used to do for entertainment. visual effects of addiction, is small appetite, weight loss, pale skin, more common breakouts of acne. that is all I could think of

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13y ago

It always depends on both the drug and the individual. For example, women get pregnancy complications when they smoke cigarettes, but men cannot be pregnant. But if you're talking in general, different drugs have different effects. But all cause one thing (if abused, as in your question): DEATH.

Controlled substances: Cocaine, methamphetamine, and Oxycontin are three examples of this. There are many others. They are considered "controlled" substances because a doctor can prescribe them but are illegal to possess, sell, or use without proper permission. Since cocaine and methamphetamine are stimulants, people use them for a high that keeps them up, active, and makes them happy, because they force out a chemical called dopamine from your brain. The effects of these drugs are severe. Some effects are: severe crashes after taking the drug, severe depression, severe addiction, severe aging, severe brain cell loss, severe weight loss, (notice I am saying severe in every one of them), severe tooth decay, and severe liver damage. Unfortunately, the description given is very, very mild. Oxycontin comes from the same plant morphine and heroin come from: opium. Oxycodone is the chemical used in the medicine and the medicine itself is available by prescription and is used to treat severe pain. The effects of abuse are very similar to cocaine and methamphetamine's except that the high is similar to heroin's and is not a stimulant. Its' effects increase by alcohol.

Non-prescription medicine: Tylenol and similar brands fall into this category (actually, most non-prescription, over-the-counter medicines fall into this category). They are abused for, of course, a high. The high, most people say who have abused before, is similar to being very sick. Most people that abuse them are teenagers. Effects of these are: severe migraine, the need to vomit constantly, fever above 100 degrees, addiction, and death from overdose. Its' effects increase from alcohol.

Anabolic steroids: These are abused for greater strength and stamina, and not so much for a high. Olympic players, or really most athletes, that have been caught using them are immediately disqualified and jailed. Most anabolic steroids are illegal or extremely strictly controlled. Effects are: Immediate halt of growth, severe damage to the liver and kidney, severe depression, irreversible testosterone change (example: men get breasts and women get facial hair and deeper voice, and that is true and not a laughing matter), and the inability to have children. All of these effects are irreversible and permanent. Its' effects increase from alcohol.

Club drugs: Ecstasy and methadone fall into this category. These are abused for a high as well. The effects are similar to methamphetamine and cocaine. These are illegal except in certain drug rehabilitation (rehab) centers. Its' effects increase from alcohol.

Inhalants: These are the only drugs mentioned in whose effects are not heightened by alcohol. The majority of people that abuse this drug are teens. Sharpie pens, gasoline, nitro balloons, and spray paint fall into this category. These seemingly harmless products are actually very dangerous if abused. Effects are: severe and irreversible damage to heart, liver and kidney, severe brain cell damage, hearing loss, addiction, and death.

The drugs talked about here do not include tobacco products because they cannot be abused. I hope you will never take drugs after reading this, and I hope I've answered your question. Of course, I could not cover all drugs because there are thousands. Have a great day!

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A substance abuse evaluation typically includes a series of questions by a trained professional to assess the individual's substance use history, patterns, behaviors, and any associated problems. It may also involve physical and psychological assessments, as well as evaluating the individual's motivation to change and treatment needs. The results help determine the appropriate level of care and treatment interventions needed.

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