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it curves your spine

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Q: How does stooped posture effect health?
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Related questions

How were Neanderthals posture?

Neanderthals are depicted with a stooped or slouched posture based on their skeletal remains. This posture has been attributed to a combination of their physical build, lifestyle, and environment, but may not accurately reflect their actual posture when they were alive.

How does the Utah production of the tempest emphasize Caliban status as a slave?

His body posture is stooped, and his clothing is ragged.

How does the Utah production of The Tempest emphasize Calibans status as a slave?

His body posture is stooped, and his clothing is ragged.

Is stooped an adverb?

No, "stooped" is not an adverb. It is a past participle or adjective form of the verb "stoop," which means to bend or hunch over. Adverbs typically describe how an action is done.

What is the center of gravity of the elderly person?

The center of gravity for adults is the hips. However, as the person grows older, a stooped posture is common because of the changes from osteoporosis and normal bone degeneration, and the knees, hips, and elbows flex. This stooped posture results in the upper torso being the center of gravity for the elderly person.

What is slouching?

Someone who is not sitting straight in their chair but is sitting with their back curled over is said to be slouching. To carry oneself in an excessively stooped posture.

What does posture play in your overall personal health?

Posture plays an important role in your overall health. If you dont have good posture you may have serious health problems such as back problems, headaches, neck pains, hip pains and joint movement pains.

Proper health habits for good posture?

No good if you have posture affecting diseases is it. Nothing you can do about it in that case.

How do you get back at boys?

Don't react to them. It would probably have more effect on them knowing you haven't stooped to the their level, or to what it is that has offended you.

Is stooped and adjective or adverb?

Stooped is an adjective, for it modifies a noun.

How do you spell stupted?

The word stooped means 'bent over'. The stooped old man walked slowly. She stooped to pick it up.

How is Ankylosing spondylitis treated?

Physical therapists use exercises to prevent a stooped posture and breathing problems when the spine starts to fuse. Back braces may be used to prevent continued deformity of the spine and ribs