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Raw food is much more susceptible to bacteria which can result in a life threatening virus to the fetus. When you cook the food, it cooks out the bacteria. For example, when you cook with wine, the alcohol cooks out and the food cannot get your drunk or "buzzed".

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Q: How does raw food harm a pregnant women?
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Is sea food good for pregnant women?

Not if it's raw (like sushi, raw shrimp,...). Raw food (fish or meat) should be avoided during pregnancy.

Is it safe to eat raw food while pregnant?

If a food is meant to be eaten raw, it's ok. Like, fruits or salad items. Some women have strange cravings like raw hamburger. That's probably not a good idea.

How can food be harmful to man?

'harmful food' is food that is dangerous, or food that can cause harm to you

Is it safe for pregnant women to eat raw honey?

yes. Infants can't though

What food borne pathogen is associated with stillbirths?

Listeria monocytogenes is a foodborne pathogen that is associated with stillbirths, as well as miscarriages and other serious complications in pregnant women. It can be found in contaminated food such as unpasteurized dairy products, raw meats, and processed foods. Pregnant women are advised to avoid these high-risk foods to prevent infection.

Can pregnant women eat raw foods including tuna?

It is never a good idea for a pregnant woman to eat undercooked or raw foods...including unpasturized milk and soft cheeses such as goats cheese

Are Caesar salads bad for pregnant women?

AnswerYes ,Caesar salads are bad for pregnant women. While the salad itself can be eaten, Caesar dressing should be avoided because it contains raw eggs.

How can uncooked food harm us?

Uncooked food can harm us because say you ate or you are eating some uncooked chicken it is most likely for you to get salmonella poisoning,becasue uncooked food is like eating raw meat. hugs and kisses love Khalil u.

How can a pregnant women avoid contracting Taxoplasma?

To avoid Taxoplasma during pregnancy women should keep cats indoors; avoid handling cat litter; cover sandboxes; wear gloves for gardening; wash after handling cats, raw meat or poultry, soil, or sand; and, cook food thoroughly.

How will raw eggs harm you?

Raw eggs could contain Salmonella, but it is relatively rare.

What is the opposite of raw food?

The opposite of raw food is cooked food.

Raw Food Guide the Way to Natural Foods ?

The Raw Food Guide is the way to eat food in its most natural state. This means that you can eat foods that are organic and not cooked or processed. Examples of acceptable food include raw seeds, fruits, vegetables, sprouted grains, milk, cheese, eggs, sashimi and carpaccio, thin strips of raw beef, veal, tuna or salmon. Heat, such as dehydration, is permitted at levels that don�t kill the food�s enzymes. Advocates say that the enzymes are vital for your digestion and absorption. According to raw foodist, if you eat food cooked with high heat it will harm your body.