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well...i sadly believe that its impossible to do this without driving the poor guy(girl) to the brink of suicide. Sure at times after experiencing, or worse, loving a narcissist we've wished that fate upon them abstractly. its so sad that good people can be driven to such hateful and vengeful places in our hearts...but this is the work of the narcissist. the longer you spend time with one the more your reactions toward them resemble theirs. i have been there. but yes yes you can instill fear in them and here is how: Watch as they go thru their lives alienating and hurting everyone around them. if you can secretly communicate with those people and tell them that he is a narcissist and that the best thing they can do is to sever contact.( this goes for loved ones as well. even family members ...often these people are the worst effected by the narcissist so often they will go along with you gladly in hopes everyone is preparing for some form of intervention. sadly, these dont exist, or if they do they wont work.) all the while remaining in the relationship which will be torturous, especially after all other whipping posts and emotional punching bags have gotten distance. you will be reaping all of that hate upon yourself, but you will be in such a position of control because the narcissist will be SO FEARFUL you will leave as well. oh, they wont be nice to you then! nothing will change aside from for the worse, but the narcissist will be AFRAID..VERY AFRAID. but beware if you leave them they might leave this earth. also beware they might make you leave them (murder you) before you get a chance to leave.this is not meant as a joke. truth is, the narcissist is always in fear of some sort and the kind of fear we healthy people fear is very different than that of a narcissist...but its fear nontheless

New Answer-By exposing them and saying you can see trough their mask,but be careful,they are very angry individuals and hold grudges forever !

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Mirror their words and behaviors.....they always recoil when confronted with themsleves..........


While I think the strategy above may be quite effective, I would be wary about engaging in it for the following reasons.

(1) You really need to be a narcissist to carry off the behaviour. Narcissists operate on a whole different level of social rules than other people. They are unable to empathise with others, and are primarily focused on their own gratification. They can (and do) justify just about any course of action. They are incapable of remorse and shame. And no, I don't think it is healthy to try and be like a narcissist.

(2) Because narcissists believe they are always right (ie they are above the law and social rules) they can be very dangerous when roused. Your personal safety is paramount, no matter how tempting it is to scare an infuriating narcissist.

Do seriously consider the ramifications to your personal welfare when you decide to scare a narcissist. It is often difficult enough to maintain no-contact or necessary contact without escalating the situation. Now much more damage are you willing to take from the narcissist? And for what benefit to you?

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Q: How does one instill fear in a narcissist?
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