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Diabetes is not contageous. It is not possible to "get" it through any form of contact with other people. Diabetes is a disease that results when the body is unable to properly process sugar in the blood. Type 1 Diabetes, which usually appears in people at a young age, is the result of the body not making enough insulin, a chemcial needed to metabolize sugar. It occurs because cells in the pancreas do not release enough insulin into the blood. Type 1 Diabetes is usually treated by regular injections of synthetic insulin or of insulin harvested from non-human mammals such as pigs or cattle. Type 2 Diabetes, which has usually appeared in older people but is now showing up in younger adults, is the result of the body becomming resistant, or tollerant, to insulin, so that more insulin is needed to obtain the same result. Type 2 diabetes is initially treated with diet control and exercise, more advanced cases with medication, and ultimately, injected insulin may be used as well. In both types of Diabetes, the damage is caused by the high concentrations of sugar in the blood stream that stays there longer than would be the case in a healthy person. High sugar levels damage the blood vessel walls and impair repair processes. This results in impaired blood circulation, which in turn produces the long term effects of the disease, which can include blindness, gangreen requiring amputation of limbs, and increased succeptability to other diseases.

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Diabetes can not be transferred from one person to another.

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There is NO type of 'good' diabetes, but the one your looking for is probably type 1 diabetes. People are usually born with that type. Type 2 diabetes is the one people get if they're overweight, don't exercise, and they eat junk all the time.

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The children yes do have a chance to get Diabetes but they will not definitely get it. Diabetes can skip generations.

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Type one diabetes only 10% of the diabetic population.

Where can you get information on living with diabetes?

One can find information about living with diabetes on various website like NHS and Diabetes. One could also visit a local doctor and ask for information about living with diabetes in there.

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Diabetes is caused by many factors, but urinating is not one of them. Frequent urination can be a SYMPTOM of diabetes.

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No, but nick has type one diabetes. ohh well

Where can I find Diabetes information?

Type one diabetes is the most severe form of diabetes that one can be diagnosed with. You can go to the website to find out a lot more about what this disease entails.

Is Diabetes a chromosomal error?

you have to be much more specific in your question. there are many types of diabetes- type one diabetes, type two diabetes, diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus. I, personally, am actually a type one diabetic (diabetes mellitus). This is not due to chromosomal error. No one is precisely sure as to how one acquires diabetes, but my doctor's believe I caught a virus which tricked my immune system to thinking my pancreas was sick, when it was in fact not. My immune system then killed my beta cells. Or alpha. I don't know haha. Hope this helps.

Scientific name for diabetes?

Diabetes Mellitus is the right one. Get the best ayurvedic medicine online for the treatment of Mellitus Diabetes and control your sugar levels naturally at Vedobi .com