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The prostate is a donut shaped and sized muscular gland that fits in the pelvis between the legs, above the testicles at the base of the penis. If you feel discomfort when sitting, changes in developing erections, or a warmth in the groin, those can all be symptoms.

The prostate is examined anally, The digital prostate exam is the dread of most guys at their "Physical". The Dr will lube a finger and insert it into the anus and palpate the prostate; feeling for heat, swelling or texture changes, which will indicate the presence of infection.

A blood test will also indicate an elevated CBC panel which is an indicator of infection. The traditional gold standard for "Prostate health" is the PSA test, which is also a blood test. ALL men past 40 should have a PSA test done at least every other year, to establish a base line result and help catch the early signs of one of the most common male cancers; prostate cancer.

If you suspect an enlargement, SEE A DR! Most General practitioners, can and do check the prostate, a Urologist would be a specialist for the prostate.

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A smooth prostate surface suggests BPH, whereas a distinct lump in the gland might mean prostate cancer . The next step is a blood test for a substance called prostate-specific antigen (PSA).

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Q: How does one diagnose prostate enlargement?
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What does an inhomogeneous prostate gland indicate?

prostate enlargement

How do you know if you have enlargement of the prostate?

Most of the time the prostate enlargement can be diagnosed only when the symptoms are already obvious, such as difficulties or pain in urination and enlargement of the prostate area. Only a doctor can actually make a clear diagnosis whether you are positive with prostate enlargement or not through a series of laboratory tests. There are treatments and therapy which your doctor can prescribe you.

What is the standard operation for prostate enlargement?

transurethral resection (TUR) of the prostate.

What is the pathophysiology of enlargement of prostate gland?

An enlargement of the prostate gland may restrict the flow of urine from the bladder. The prostate gland grows larger due to an increase in the number of cells, hyperplasia.

How does one treat prostate enlargement?

It can effectively be treated by surgery and, today, by certain drugs.

Does benign prostatic hyperplasia cause a cancerous enlargement of the prostate?

No, a benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) does not cause a cancerous enlargement of the prostate. A BPH is not cancerous. It is defined as a noncancerous enlargement of the prostate gland.

Can you use Viagra when taking enlarged prostate medicines?

The label advises you need to consult a doctor before use, and the prostate enlargement medicine is probably a prescription. Just to be safe, ask your doctor or the one that prescribed you the prostate enlargement medicine. Do not take it before consulting your doctor.

What does prostatic enlargement meant?

An enlarged or inflammed prostate.

how do I diagnose prostate cancer?

only a doctor can diagnose a disease of that magnitude. you cant even xray your prostate without seeing a doctor so, let a doctor diagnose you

How does enlargement of the prostate gland interfere with the male reproductive functions?

The enlargement of the prostate gland interferes with a male's reproductive function in the sense that it makes it impossible for the gland to produce semen.

What cuases enlarged prostate?

Vacant activity of the Large colon. Causing constent gas or infection through undigested food. Watch what you eat, stay away from fast food and do not by any means consume chemicals which reside in candies and chips.

Excessive development or enlargement of the prostate gland is called?

Prostatic Hyperplasia