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Your body is made up of fat, water, proteins, so on. Obesity is determined by your fat level. When your body has too much fat, you are at risk of many health problems. High blood pressure, blood clots, Diabetes, high cholesterol, and stroke, are some that an obese person could be dealing with. Depression is also something that could show up, if you are the type to experience depression. When you become obese, its harder for your body to break down most of your fat, which leads to your heart having more work to do, which could lead to High blood pressure, Blood clots, and heart conditions.

Hope this helped. Cheers!

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12y ago

it can stretch your skin out. then you will have to get it surgically removed. you will be left with scars. i heard that Richard simmons kept his skin on because he wanted to remind himself to neer look like that ever again.

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Type 2 diabetes

Coronary Heart disease


Gallbladder disease


Sleep apnea and respiratory problems

Metabolic Syndrome


Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFL)

Reproductive Problems

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13y ago

It can put a strain on your bones, heart, and give you an increased risk for many cancers and diseases. Also, many organs won't be able to function correctly if the obese person is eating a lot of foods that are lacking in nutrition.

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14y ago

Obesity is being extremely fat, this ruins your legs, especially knees, causes undue stress on your heart, and makes your body work less efficiently.

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12y ago

- Higher risk of heart attack in children

- Inactive / laziness

- Diabetes

- cancer

sleep apnea and more

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