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The arm is made up of two main muscles (biceps & triceps) for the arm to move one of these muscles must contract and the other must relax. Which muscle does which depends on which way you are moving your arm.

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This does not mention the muscles in the forearm, which mainly move the hand, or the muscle in the shoulder, deltoid, which lifts the arm.

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13y ago
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15y ago

Muscles work in groups, working in opposition one with the other In the arm, groups of muscles work by contracting and relaxing to produce gross and fine movement, depending upon the task that the person wishes to carry out. For instance to bend and close the arm at the elbow, the flexor muscles (biceps) contract while the opposing triceps relax. And then to straighten the arm, the triceps (extensor muscles) will contract while the biceps relax. Rotator muscles work together to turn and twist the arm.

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9y ago

It uses a 'ball and socket' joint. So see how it works - make a fist with one hand. Cup your fist with your other hand - and slide it around the fist. The fist-hand is the top of the upper bone in your arm - and the other hand is the socket in your shoulder.

human arm moves with the joints. the human arm and joints are apart of the skeletal system the human arm is voluntaary which means it moves by itself you can control it. so when you need to move your arm all you pretty much have to do is think about moving your arm.

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15y ago

By muscles using the skeletal system as a fulcrum in order to contract and stretch causing that body part to move.

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Q: How does muscle action result in the movement of body parts?
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How does muscle action result in movement of body parts?

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The common parts of the muscular system are the fibers, which are striated, the cardiac muscle, smooth muscle and skeletal muscle. There are also flexor muscles and extensors muscles, which aid in movement.

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Yes. An antagonistic pair of muscles, such as the biceps and the triceps, allows movement of body parts through opposing motions. As one of these muscles contracts, the other relaxes.

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Muscle cells grouped together are called muscle tissue. The muscle cells contract and elongate to make the movement in the body parts. Muscle cells are found in several specialized forms such as Cardiac, skeletal or smooth muscles etc.Muscle cells grouped together are called muscle tissue. The muscle cells contract and elongate to make the movement in the body parts. Muscle cells are found in several specialized forms such as Cardiac, skeletal or smooth muscles etc.

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Muscle tissue is the type of tissue that makes parts of the body move by contracting or shortening. It is composed of muscle fibers that have the ability to generate force and produce movement.

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Muscles generally pull on structures rather than push them. When a muscle contracts, it shortens, creating tension and pulling on the attached structures such as bones or other tissues. This pulling action allows for movement and manipulation of body parts.

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