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mucus lubricates the food as it passes down the oesophagus (gullet).

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Q: How does mucus affect food in the digestive system?
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What is the function of hypopharynx in a grasshopper?

Their esophagus is a part of their digestive system. It is lined with mucus so that the food they eat can easily get to their main digestive system.

What part of the digestive system is dry and stinky?

No part of the digestive system is dry and stinky. The colon is stinky because microbes are breaking down your undigestible food. The entire digestive system is lubricated with mucus and so is not dry.

What lines your stomach wall to push food through your digestive system when you eat?

i think its mucus or something similar

What is a five letter word that makes your food go through the digestive system?

its a thick slippery substance called mucus

Starvation effects on the digestive system?

The biggest affect on the digestive system is that it will all weaken. It can even weaken to the point where it cannot handle food or fluids if it is actually taken in.

Which two parts are protected by a thin layer of mucus?

The stomach lining and the inner surface of the intestines are protected by a thin layer of mucus. This mucus helps to prevent damage from stomach acid and aids in the smooth movement of food through the digestive system.

How does digestive system help you?

The digestive system processes food that is put into your body. The digestive system processes the food by breaking it down and absorbing the nutrients.

What does the digestive system breakdown?

your digestive system beaks down food.

What is the digestive?

The digestive system is the system that makes food absorbable into the body

How does mucus and digestive acids protect the skin?

Without mucus your stomach would eat it self. The acids help break food down.

Which layer of the GI tract functions by secreting a lubricating fluid?

The layer of the GI tract that functions by secreting a lubricating fluid is the mucosa. The mucosa layer is responsible for producing mucus, which acts as a lubricant to facilitate the movement of food through the digestive system. The mucus also protects the digestive organs from the effects of digestive enzymes and stomach acid.

How does the muscular system help the digestive system?

The digestive system has smooth muscle through out it, and they help move the food.