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The chemicals in the rocks can mess you up

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Q: How does mining affect human health?
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How does coal mining affect the environment and health of people?

The coal rocks and starts a bomb

How mining can affect human?

We can get stuff we wouldn't have if we didn't take it out of the ground. We can have pollution from mining. We can get jobs working in mines. We can... scoff at vague questions.

List the names of five organisms which affect human health?

Bacteria Viruses Fungi Protozoa Helminthes Prions

What are ways that human ways affect soil?

well one is construction, another is mining, and farming

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Can mining bauxite affect the respiratory system?

There is little evidence of significant adverse effects on respiratory health associated with bauxite mining.There is little evidence of significant adverse effects on respiratory health associated with bauxite mining.

How do sea rats affect human health?

It affects human health because they carry round a disease that could kill humans

How does mining affect the earth and atmosphere?

Mining can lead to deforestation, habitat destruction, and soil erosion, impacting ecosystems and biodiversity. It also releases harmful chemicals and pollutants into the air and water, contributing to air and water pollution, which can have negative impacts on human health and the environment. Additionally, mining operations can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, further exacerbating climate change.

How can alcohol affect human health?

alcohol is a beverage and a weed. it harms human being kidneys.

How would the depletion of the ozone layer affect human health?

The depletion of ozone is in variance with human health. More UV's more deterioration.

What are the responsibilities of the secretary of health and human services?

The Secretary of Health and Human Services sets policies that affect the entire United States that relate to health issues. The President of the United States chooses the Secretary of Health and Human Services.