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Q: How does lymph replenish circulating fluid?
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What is body fluid circulation?

Blood and lymph these are the two circulating fluids

What are other liquids circulating in your body?

Other liquids circulating in the body include interstitial fluid, which surrounds cells and tissues; lymph, which flows in the lymphatic system and helps transport immune cells; and cerebrospinal fluid, which surrounds the brain and spinal cord providing protection and nutrients.

What is the fluid and particles absorbed into lymph caillaries?

Fluids and particles absorbed into lymph capillaries are called lymph.

Does the spleen contain erythrocytes?

The aged red cells self destruct in the spleen , where they squeeze through the red pulp of the spleen. When the spleen is removed, the number of abnormal red cells and old cells circulating in the blood increases considerably.

Fluid that lies between cells and becomes lymph as it enters lymph capillaries?

Interstitial fluid

Can lymph nodes leak fluid?

Lymph nodes can produce and contain lymph fluid, but they do not typically leak fluid. If a lymph node is damaged or infected, it may become enlarged or tender, but leakage of lymphatic fluid from a lymph node is not a common occurrence.

Do lymph nodes filter lymph?

lymph capillary Lymph fluid is filtered in lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are along lymph vessels which that run along blood vessels. Lymph vessels draw in interstitial fluid (fluid between cells) and it them becomes lymph fluid. Lymph nodules are in connective tissue in place of high traffic and does not function as a filter because it's not along a lymph vessel.

Fluid and particles absorbed into lymph capillaries?

Fluid and particles absorbed into lymph capillaries

Fluid and particles formed in lymph capillaries?


Describe the source of the lymph?

Lymph is a clear fluid

What is Difference between tissue fluid and lymph?

when lymph fluid is contained inside lymph vessels or lymph node(lymphatic system) it is called lymph whereas when it is squeezed out of cells b/w the cell membranes it is called tissue fluid

What is the pathway you would take from the lymph capillary in the right arm to the lymph node in the axilla?

The lymph capillary in the right arm channels excess fluid from plasma. This fluid flows in the direction of the lymph nodes in the axilla through larger lymphatic vessels where the fluid becomes lymph.