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Lindane works by being absorbed into the louse's central nervous system, causing seizures and death.

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Q: How does lindane kill lice?
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Related questions

What type of medication is lindane?

Lindane is a benzene compound that is used to kill body and pubic lice.

What shampoo can you use to get rid of pubic lice?

Lindane 1% shampoo or pyrethrin with peperonyl butoxide shampoo can be used to get rid of pubic lice.

What is head lice treated with?

Cases of head lice are usually treated with sham-poos or rinses containing either lindane (Kwell) or permethrin (Nix).

Are pubic lice curable?

Yes, there is a special genital hair shampoo made just for this called, "Lice Be Gone!" Make sure that you buy the version for sensitive skin as the last time I got genital lice, I got the regular version which burnt a lot!

Why is permethrin the preferred treatment for head lice?

Permethrin is considered preferable for head lice because lindane is absorbed through the skin and may produce symptoms of neurotoxicity.

Will beer kill head lice?

no, beer can not kill head lice

How do I make something to kill lice?

A chemist will have products that will kill lice.

Does Clear-Lice kill lice and their eggs?


Can you steam away lice?

Heat can kill lice

Do light wands kill lice?

A UV light wand can kill lice. It can also kill the eggs of dust mites, fleas, and lice. The wand can kill 99 percent of bacteria and viruses.

What kills lice on furniture?

To kill lice on furniture, you can vacuum the furniture thoroughly to remove any adult lice, eggs, or nymphs. You can also use a steam cleaner on the furniture to kill lice and their eggs effectively. Additionally, you can treat the furniture with a pesticide specifically designed to kill lice and their eggs.

Does alcohol kill pubic lice?

Alcohol does not kill pubic lice. They must be killed with insecticide.