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They become obese and unhealthy, they get sick and die young! They decrease their living period and they get sick of each and every disease...

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Q: How does lifestyle behavior disease impact on the teenager?
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How does lifestyle behaviour disease impact on the teenager?

Lifestyle behavior diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease can impact teenagers by affecting their physical health, self-esteem, and emotional well-being. These diseases can lead to long-term health complications, hinder their ability to engage in physical activities, and increase the risk of mental health issues related to body image and self-confidence. It is essential for teenagers to adopt healthy lifestyle habits early on to prevent the onset of lifestyle behavior diseases in the future.

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No, popularity does not have a major impact on my Christian lifestyle.

How does hypertension impact teenagers?

Hypertension as a teenager will impact your life in the fact that you have a disease that needs to be looked at seriously. Hypertension puts undue pressure on your vital organs and blood vessels. You need to keep a strict diet.

How can behavior be considered a cause of disease?

Behavior can have a significant impact on the overall health of a person. If a person continually eats (a type of behavior) large amounts of unhealthy food and becomes obese, that obesity can cause disease (heart disease, cancer, etc.) in the future. Additionally, the behavior of smoking can cause lung diseases in a person's future. The examples can continue on and on. Many behaviors can trigger or cause various diseases.

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Hypertension in teenagers has a negative impact on their health as it comes with increased blood pressure, hypersensitivity and anxiety. It can make a teenager feel confused about themselves and self-conscious.

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