Alzheimer's, Arthritis, Diabetes, Vision/Hearing Loss, Osteoporosis, Dementia, ..
The scientific term for deafness is "hearing loss" or "hearing impairment." It can be categorized based on the severity and type, such as conductive hearing loss, sensorineural hearing loss, or mixed hearing loss.
Common causes of memory loss, Alzheimer's and dementia
No. Hearing loss depends on the decibel listened to and the period of time. Everyone is prone to having hearing loss.
No, chlamydia does not cause hearing loss.
Action on Hearing Loss was created in 1911.
conduction hearing loss
list the way that hearing loss is classified
Hearing disorders range from a temporary, partial loss of hearing to the permanent loss of hearing known as deafness.
Peripheral Hearing loss has to do with hearing loss in the peripheral auditory mechanism...that is, in the External Ear, Middle Ear, Cochlea, and VIIIth nerve.
The term dementia refers to symptoms that include memory loss and the meaning of objects and words.