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Gluten is the protein. You get the same partially digested in your stomach. The polypeptides formed in this process go to your intestine. Three polypeptide sequences out of these are notorious. They probably form the antigen antibody complex with the proteins that are present in the brush border of your intestinal villi. This triggers the cellular response in which the lymphocytes migrate to the site. Not to eat the gluten protein is the only remedy for this problem at present. That is not the end of the world, if you can not eat few grains like wheat.

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Q: How does gluten cause inflammation?
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Gluten causes inflammation in the small intestines of people with celiac disease. Eating a gluten-free diet helps people with celiac disease control their signs and symptoms and prevent complications.

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Yes, but in beneficial ways. My mom went on a gluten-free diet, and she bloats a lot less, and she's lost weight. If you plan on going on a gluten free diet, you need to stick to it. After a while of eating gluten-free, suddenly eating products that contain gluten will make you bloat again, will cause gas and may cause nausea.

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What is gluteen free?

Gluten free means that the product doesn't contain gluten which is a component of most grains. Gluten has recently been found to cause a allergic reaction in some people.