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hynosis and dream eater can be learned by tm's but nightmare once he evovle's

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Q: How does drowzee learn Hypnosis and dream eater or nightmare?
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Is hypnosis nightmare dream eater shadowball a good moveset for haunter?

its good yea but id take out nightmare since u allready got fream eater is plug in a calm mind to boost dream eater power by a lot

What moves does gastly have?

lick,curse,hypnosis,dream eater etc. Dream eater is the signature of gastly but it work only when the opponet is asleep. That means you have to hypnosis the enemy first then use dream eater.

What moves does darkrai have?

Darkrai moves : lv 100 , dark void , dream eater , Hypnosis, dark pulse. Darkrai moves : lv 40 , hypnosis , pursuit , dream eater , quick attack

What Pokemon can you teach the TM dream eater on soulsilver?

To name a few, Butterfree, clefairy, meowth, drowzee, lapras, and umbreon. Most psychic types can learn dream eater, but it is useless unless the opponent is asleep.

What are Darkrai's attacks through level up?

These aren't in order: Dream Eater Dark Void Dark Pulse Nightmare Double Team Night Shade Disable Quick Attack Hypnosis Pursuit Haze Embargo

Where is the guy who teaches you dream eater on fire red?

He is in Viridian City. Go left at the Pokemon Center and you will see a tree that can be cut down. Cut it, and there is a large man. He will tell you about a dream he had involving a drowzee that taught him how to eat dreams. He will then ask to teach your Pokemon Dream Eater.

Should your Gengar know focus blast or dream eater if it knows hypnosis?

I would chose dream eater because hypnosis causes the opposing Pokemon to fall asleep,(But you probably knew that.) But, if you want a more powerful move I think focus blast is more powerful. I can't be sure though, I don't have my Nintendo DSI XL with me right now. I should mention that dream eater restores HP.:)

In Pokemon diamond what is the best move for Espeon to learn?

1. phycik 2. phybeam 3. hypnosis 4. dream eater

I need to teach mismaguis dream eater but it cant relearn hipnosis is it an available TM?

Yes just use T.M hypnosis.

Is this a good Gengar moveset focus blast hypnosis dream eater shadow bal l?

Yes but lose dream eater and hypnosis to make room for psychic and a basic move because hypnosis is un reliable maybe focus blast psychic shadow ball and thunderbolt(tm only) because thunderbolts a special attack and gengar has great special attack and it's powerful and good against a lot of guys

What Pokemon is able to learn dream eater on Pokemon Red?

In Generation I, the only Pokemon that can learn Dream Eater are Gastly, Haunter, Gengar, Drowzee, Hypno, and Mew. Gastly, Haunter, and Gengar are the only ones who learn it naturally, by leveling up; the remainder can learn it only by TM (TM 42, obtained in Viridian City).

How do you beat the snorlox in Pokemon crystle?

Fist you should put it to sleep and use nightmare and dream-eater the use a ultra ball or heavy ball