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Scientific research has not yet proven this often-asked question. However, I can give you avague description, although it differs for Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. First, let me say that Diabetes (both Type 1 and Type 2) are certainly genetic. Scientists/doctors can generally deteremine if a disease is genetic by conducting "twin studies." In the case of Type 1 Diabetes, if one twin has it, there is about a 30% chance the other has it or will have it. In Type 2 Diabetes, if one twin has it, there is over a 50% chance the other will have it. Thay being said, there is a big gap with who could get it (genetically) and those who never develop it. Scientists and doctors attribute this portion to environmental factors (possibly a virus) that has yet to be determined. In Type 1 Diabetes, it actually starts at a very young age. In fact, a child can be tested for it, but the testing is essentially useless because the child may not actually develop the disease for another 10 years or more. In some cases Type 1 Diabetes may not be diagnosed until after age 30. Basically, Type 1 Diabetes is considered an automimmune disease, meaning that the body's healthy cells attack the healthy cells of the pancreas, thinking that they are instead a virus or intruder. After all the beta cells of the pancreas have been destroyed, the pancreas can no longer produce insulin. If the body doesn't produce insulin, then the food you eat can't be absorbed into your body's cells for fuel. Instead, you just get rid of all this extra sugar in your urine (which accounts for the increased hunger, thirst and urination in undiagnosed or uncontrolled Type 1 Diabetes). Thus, you must take manufactured insulin injections to artificially do this process for your body. In Type 2 Diabetes, your pancreas still produces insulin, but either your body's cells don't process it efficiently (insulin resistance - oftentimes because you have too many fat cells) or because your pancreas is too weak to produce enough insulin to efficiently satisfy all your body's cells (also often caused by obesity). Luckily in this case you can try to control it by losing weight, maintaining a healthy diet and exercising more. You may also have to take oral pills that help your body's cells use insulin more efficiently or force your pancreas to produce more insulin (or both).

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12y ago

Type one is unknown to me but type two is when your obese or you eat too much sugar.

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