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HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is transmitted through contact with infected blood.

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Q: How does blood related to HIV and AIDS?
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Can o blood type contract the aids virus?

Yes. No blood type is immune from the HIV virus.

How are hicv and aid's related?

HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. AIDS is the final stage of HIV disease.

Which do you get first AIDS HIV or AIDS related diseases?

People contract HIV first. In time, they will develop AIDS-related diseases such as Kaposi's sarcoma or PCP (pneumocistis carinii pneumonia). Once they have AIDS-related diseases, they are typically diagnosed as having AIDS.

Can you get aids from a person who does not have aids?

No No, to get AIDS you must have physical contact with another person who has AIDS. You cannot get AIDS if you did not have physical contact with another person who has AIDS. Hope this helped !

What is the solution of AIDS?

There is no cure for AIDS or HIV. You get HIV then develop AIDS. It's kind of like getting a cold then sneezing as a symptom where the cold is HIV and the sneezing is AIDS. You can not have AIDS but not having HIV. Using protection during sex, not sharing needles, and staying away from blood can lower your chance of getting HIV.

Can 2 gay guys get aids if neither is hiv positive?

No. If neither partner has the HIV virus, then neither one can get AIDS. AIDS is caused when HIV has gotten to far along. In order for you to get AIDS, you have to have blood to blood contact with someone that is HIV positive.

Can you get aids from whiping someone?

aids can be sexually transmitted but you can also catch it from the blood of a person infected by aids (hiv)

What example of Disease that transfer through blood?


Can you get aids from anything?

AIDS is not a contagious disease. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. HIV is transmitted though contact with infected blood, semen, vaginal fluid or breast milk.

Can you get AIDS from deep kissing?

Yes, saliva can transmit HIV/AIDS, but it is quite an uncommon occurrance. Blood and reproductive fluids are much better carriers and transmitters of HIV/AIDS.

How do people get AIDS?

By having sexual intercourse without protection. People can get AIDS by sexual intercourse or even open wound to open wound with a person who has AIDS. That being one of the reasons why doctors do not reuse needles and wear gloves. Other reasons are for their own safety and the patients safety. Blood is normally tested when donating or receiving blood but you can contract AIDS from the transfer of blood. AIDS is also the progressed stage of HIV. Not everyone that has HIV progresses to AIDS though (being the reason for the term "HIV/AIDS"). So it is possible to contract HIV then it to progress to AIDS.

When and how did arthur ashe contract aids and how long did he live afterwards?

He contracted HIV from a blood transfusion. He discovered he had the virus in 1988 and died in 1993 from an AIDS related complication.