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Anemia is either when your body can't produce enough red blood cells or your body breaks them down too quickly for it to carry the Oxygen around your entire body. So if you aren't getting the Oxygen you need your body will become tired easier and quicker and you may find it hard to breath at some points.

Anemia is a physical condition in which the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells. It results in symptoms of fatigue and can lead to other health complications because the organs are not getting enough oxygen to function properly. There are more than four hundred types of anemia and they are divided into three group causes which are, anemia caused by blood loss, anemia caused by decreased or faulty red blood cell production, and anemia caused by the destruction of red blood cells.

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15y ago

Well luckily for me, my girlfriend has it! Basically it is caused by a lack of red blood cells which need to be created by Proteins and iron (Unfortunately for my girlfriend she is a vegetarian.) and it can make you dizzy, tired, and lower your immune system

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Yes as the loss of blood can effect this disorder. Also it can effect the body giving to patient anemia they didnt have before.

Do anti tuberculosis drugs cause anaemia?

There are many different antituberculosis drugs available. A lot of them do cause anaemia as a side effect, although some of them do not. Depending on how each drug works, the type of anaemia it causes varies. Some antituberculosis drugs that cause anaemia as a side effect are: * Cycloserine - megaloblastic anaemia * Isoniazid - haemolytic anaemia or aplastic anaemia * Pyrazinamide - sideroblastic anaemia * Rifampicin - haemolytic anaemia

Does anaemia make you weak?

Yes anaemia can make you weak. This is because the body has a lower number of haemoglobin molecules, which are the molecules in red blood cells which carry oxygen around the body. Therefore, the body tissues are receiving less oxygen and can not work as effectively.

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What type of anemia is a deficiency of hemoglobin due to lack of iron in the body?

In my case it is "chronic anaemia" where "chronic" means "lasting for a long time". It can also be called "pernicious anaemia". The problem occurs when the body cannot make the B12 vitamin from the food which has been digested, so the alternative is to have a B12 injection every 3 months. One effect of lack of B12 is that you become very tired much more easily.

What does low wbc rbc and hct mean is wrong?

yes. WBCs protectect the body from inf. if there count is low called leucopenia. in aplastic anaemia and some bacterial inf.such as typhoid occured. Low RBCs count is found in anaemia. low hct is found in iron deficiency anaemia.

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What is a common symptom of anaemia?

Some are :Extreme blood loss without healingUnable to stop bleeding or prolonged bleeding.Lethargy when bleeding, or a feeling of faintness.

Can you die from anaemia?

yes, we can die from anaemia if haemoglobin becomes very low.