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As far as I am aware of here are some other things: illegal drugs, narcotics, x-rays, some prescription medications (birth control pills, etc.), some over the counter medications (ibuprofen), caffine, sugar, cigarettes, smuff, cat feces, and harsh fumes. You might want to ask your doctor for a list of things.

Drugs, ibuprofin, nuprin, asprin, hot baths, artificial sweetners, and a lot of other things affect the fetus. The best thing to do is to contact your physician and ask the main things to stay away from. Also, make sure if you eat fish that it is fresh. !

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9y ago
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12y ago

Alcohol in the maternal blood gets into the foetus through the umbilical cord and reaches all the tissues in the growing foetus. The way it is harmful to adults the same way it is harmful to foetus.

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14y ago

If a woman drinks alcohol during her pregnancy, her baby can be born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), a lifelong condition that causes physical and mental disabilities.

FAS is characterized by abnormal facial features, growth deficiencies, and central nervous system (CNS) problems. People with FAS might have problems with learning, memory, attention span, communication, vision, hearing, or a combination of these. These problems often lead to difficulties in school and problems getting along with others.

FAS is a permanent condition.

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What effects does alcohol have on the fetus?

go to mayoclinic look up fetal alcohol syndrome

Can you drink alcohol during your first trimester?

Alcohol consumption anytime in a pregnancy is dangerous to the fetus

How does toxins harm a fetus?

they are passed to the fetus and cause imbalanced compounds that effect DNA

Can a fetus ever rid itself of alcohol?

Yes it barfs