If the placenta does not come out then the doctor has to inject you with hormones to help you pass it out. If that still doesn't work then the doctor has to manually take it out, because if the placenta stays inside of you, it poses a health risk to the mother.
The blood goes from the mother to the placenta where gas exchange occurs to the fetus. From the placenta the blood goes into the arterium and to the body of the fetus.
Placenta previa, placenta accreta, placenta increta, and placenta increta are all conditions stemming from abnormal implantation of the placenta.
Placenta comes out after each kitten.
The umbilical cord is attached to the placenta and the placenta is attached to the wall of the uterus
Yes. But the movement is relative. Placenta does not change the position. But lower placenta may move up. So that placenta previa may become normal placenta.
Placenta Previa
Yes kangaroos have a placenta.
"Unremarkable placenta" means there was nothing special, different, or noteworthy about the placenta being examined.
Placenta previaThat is called "placenta previa".placenta previaPlacenta previaplacenta previa
Placenta abruptio or placental abruption is abnormal separation of the placenta from the uterine wall.
No, babies do not poop in the placenta. Babies receive nutrients and oxygen from the placenta through the umbilical cord, and waste products are removed through the mother's circulation via the placenta. Fetal waste is not stored in the placenta.