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No child can simply "deal" with something like this. Even adults have a hard time dealing with a sociopath. Remember they are very deceptive and subtle. Jerks are jerks. But sociopaths are nearly impossible to detect. I had a horrible childhood and I'm pretty sure my mother was/is either borderline or a sociopath. I love my mother like you would not believe and our relationship has gotten much better as I've gotten older. She also has mellowed a LOT and we are close. Back to the 10-year-old, I would've done much better as a child had I known it wasn't me causing her to act the way that she did. I couldn't understand how my mother was so friendly and wonderful to the outside world but such a nightmare to me and my father and my siblings behind closed doors. As a ten year old I thought it HAD to be me or us. WE were At Fault. The best support you can give to a victim of a sociopath -- child OR adult is to constantly build their self esteem.

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Q: How does a 10-year-old child deal with a sociopath mother?
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Dealing with a SociopathWikiAnswers contributors give their opinions:Stay away from them. This is not a joke. You do not "deal" with sociopaths. Get a copy of "The Sociopath Next Door" and read it for some perspective.If possible, it is best to just avoid sociopaths. If you cannot avoid them, be on guard, and if necessary call the police.

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We would like to help you with the best answer we can give, but we do need more information. Is the father an illegal immigrant and does is he in contact with the child? Thank you