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The eggs released by your ovaries travel down the fallopian tubes and attach themselves to the lining of the womb waiting to be fertilized by sperm cells. As a hysterectomy removes the uterus (womb), the eggs have nowhere to attach themselves. Also, since the cervix is closed, then the sperm can't get in, thus no pregnancy.

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Q: How does Hysterectomy prevent pregnancy?
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Is a hysterectomy an effective procedure compared to other procedures?

There are various reasons for a hysterectomy, as well as different types of procedures. A hysterectomy is an effective procedure to get when wanting to prevent pregnancy.

Can you have a tubal ligation if you had a hysterectomy?

It depends on the type of hysterectomy you have had. If you still retained the fallopian tubes then yes you can have them ligated. However, this is normally done to prevent pregnancy and as you have no uterus after the hysterectomy, there does not seem any need for this.

Is it possible to have an ectopic pregnancy after a hysterectomy?

Yes, it is possible to have an ectopic pregnancy after a vaginal hysterectomy if one or both ovaries are still present.

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It may help "prevent" pregnancy, but no pill is 100% guaranteed to keep someone from getting pregnant. The only proven methods are * totally abstaining from sexual activities * having a hysterectomy operation

Can you get your ovaries and uterus taken out instead of a tubal ligation without any medical issues to prevent pregnancy?

If you have your ovaries and uterus removed to prevent pregnancy then you will need hormone replacement therapy, as essentially your body will assume you have gone through the menopause and wont produce the female hormones you need to have as a woman.This will not only prevent pregnancy, but you will NEVER be able to get pregnant if these are removed. This is called a hysterectomy and is only performed if there is cancer, fiberous tissue, or some other problem. A good doctor will not perform this on a young woman to prevent pregnancy. This is like killing a fly with a atomic bomb.

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Vitamins don't prevent pregnancy.

Would a hysterectomy keep your from getting cervix?

if your question is regarding cervical cancer then only a total hysterectomy which removes the uterus and cervix would prevent cervical cancer. A hysterectomy leaves the cervix in place.

If you were able to keep your pregnancy after having a hysterectomy will you have to be bed resting?

A hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus. Removal of the uterus renders the woman unable to bear children. So if you have had a hysterectomy the chances of you getting pregnant is 0%. It is impossible. Sorry.

'you had a hysterectomy 3 or 4 years ago now you are having pregnancy symptoms'?

See your DR

Can hot water prevent pregnancy?

NO ! ONLY contraception or abstinence can prevent pregnancy !