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It can cause a number of very serious birth defects. Some of the most common are:

  • Visual impairment
  • Hearing impairment and/or missing earlobes
  • Facial malformations
  • Mental retardation
  • Heart defects
  • Glandular and central nervous system malformations
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14y ago

Accutane has the same effect on a person who has Spina Bifida as on any other person. The time it can affect the person is when the baby is in the womb.

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Related questions

Can someone have spina bifida and not be born with it?

No, spina bifida is a birth defect. Therefore, a person has to be born with spina bifida to have it.

Does spina bifida cause deafness?

No, Spina Bifida does not affect the ears normally. There may exist other medical conditions in a child who has Spina Bifida, including conditions that affect the ears, but they would be separate conditions unrelated to the Spina Bifida.

What gene does Spina Bifida affect?

Spina bifida has not been proven to derive from any one gene.

What effects does vitamin A have on Spina Bifida?

Vitamin A is not known to affect Spina Bifida. There is a correlation between folic acid deficiency in the mother and Spina Bifida in the baby, though.

How many people with Spina Bifida have had children with out Spina Bifida?

My daughter has Spina Bifida and her daughter has Spina Bifida

How do chromosomes affect Spina Bifida?

There has been no correlation found between any specific chromosomes and developing spina bifida.

Does Spina Bifida affect the spinal tissue?

Yes, hence the name "SPINA" Bifida. Spina Bifida means "split spine" and involves an opening in the spine where the spine did not form correctly in the womb of the mother.

How many people does Spina Bifida affect?

Worldwide, spina bifida occurs about 7 times in every 10,000 live births.

Does spina Bifida affect older kids?

It depends on the level that the defect occurs. Also the type of spina bifida. Physical therapy will be needed, surgery perhaps.

Does Spina Bifida have an affect on the respiratory system?

if you are josh then yes

What would be the difference between someone who has spina bifida for life and someone who doesnt?

Spina Bifida is a birth defect. The damage to the spinal cord and nerves is permanent for everyone.

Is Nuera another name for Spina Bifida?

No, "Nuera" is not another name for Spina Bifida. Myelomeningocele is another name for Spina Bifida.