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There are photocells in your retina called rods and cones. Cones are divided into three categories, red, blue and green which all have different pigments (pigments are a type of molecule that absorb light). Green cones absorb green light, blue absorb blue. When light is absorbed it transfers energy which causes the pigment to break down. When red light hits your retina the pigment in the red cones breaks down. This sends an electrical pulse to the nerve connected to those photocells. The nerve carries the signal to the brain where the impulse is translated.

The rods are not involved in colour vision but can operate at much lower light intensities than cones, but they can only see in black and white. Rods are what you use for seeing when it is very dark.

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When light strikes a surface ,it changes it's frequency and when the light is reflected from that surface to human eyes ,the rod cells and cone cells inside which rodopsin and eyedopsin is present ,get certan signal from that light according to which our brain interprets different colors.

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Q: How do your eyes see colors?
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How can people see colors?

With your eyes unless you are colorblind. The cone cells enable you to see colors.

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They say they can see colors of green, yellow, and blue.

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because its justt the way our eyes see things. -jh'(:

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Humans see different colors of light because of the way our eyes process different wavelengths of light. The cells in our eyes called cones are sensitive to different wavelengths, which correspond to different colors. When light enters our eyes, these cones send signals to our brain that allow us to perceive different colors.

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Dogs see best in shades of blue and yellow due to their dichromatic vision. They have difficulty distinguishing between reds and greens. Their color vision is similar to a human with red-green color blindness.

What colors make light?

All of them. We see by the colors that reflect back into our eyes or are absorbed by the object they're hitting

How colors invented?

The colors weren't invented. It is only applied in our sight. Our brain sends messages to our eyes that we see something. That's all.

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Visble Light