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The quick answer is "you don't use Videne". You can use Clotrimizole, which is an anti-fungal drug. Ringworm is a fungus infection, you see. On the body, the fungus is tinea rubrum. On the scalp, the fungus tinea capitis. If it is scalp ringworm, the person will need lotions, shampoos, and probably a medecine by mouth. It is nothing to fool around with!!

One common brand of clotrimizole is Lotrimin. Also effective are prescription shampoos containing 2-1/2% Selenium (selenium sulphide). Selenium is poisonous in all but tiny amounts - that is why it is a prescription product.

Anyway, run the ringworm infection under warm to hot water until the skin pores open, then vigorously rub in the Lotrimin cream or the selenium shampoo. It can take weeks or months of doing this to get rid of the infection.

In worse cases, an infected person may have to take an internal medicine by mouth, which the doctor will prescribe.

In any case, you must take the drug or use the cream for a week and half after the infection disappears, to keep it from coming back.

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