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The only treatment that i know of is calamine lotion and benedryl. Calamine lotion now comes in clear which is really convenient. Also, isolating the rash and regular washing of the hands helps. Many times the hostile part of the weed, the fibers, get into shoes and may spread back to the hands when putting the shoes on. Pets and carpet may also carry it. The best treatment is isolation and prevention. The only treatment that i know of is calamine lotion and benedryl. Calamine lotion now comes in clear which is really convenient. Also, isolating the rash and regular washing of the hands helps. Many times the hostile part of the weed, the fibers, get into shoes and may spread back to the hands when putting the shoes on. Pets and carpet may also carry it. The best treatment is isolation and prevention.

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Q: How do you treat the scorpion weed rash?
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Is scorpion weed poisonous?

Scorpion weed is a purple flower that grows wild during spring. Coming into contact with this wildflower can cause severe itching. Although not contagious, scorpion weed rash can rapidly spread in the body.

Can scorpion weed rash spread from itching?

The rash from the oil usually lasts several days and can stick around for more than a week, and if you give in to the urge to scratch, that will only spread the oil, exacerbating the irritation.

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The venome from the scorpion can treat a sting from it. It's kind of hard to belive.

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When you get a rash behind the ears and on one side of the cheek.

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Treat the rash with calamine lotion or antihistamine creams, and if these methods fail to work and itching persists, contact a medical professional.

What is the treatment in Australia for a scorpion sting?

Treat like snake bite

How do you treat a rash on a dog without a prescription drug?

depends on what kind of rash it could be a yeast infection call a vet and discuss the nature of the rash.

How do you treat the lupus rash?

Stay out of the sun and the rash you get from being out in the sun will go away. There is no way to treat the butterfly rash on your face as it means you are having a flare. The best way to deal with it is to cover it with makeup and see your doctor for treatment to get you out of your flare.

How do you treat a scorpion bite in the old west?

suck it up. hope not to die