no not at all!!
email someone from they are great!
yes if ur allergic to them Yes, if the person is allergic to strawberries. Search the internet for "food allergies" "strawberries", and you should find plenty.
probably hives - allergic reaction to something - very itchy - treat with calamine or such or chicken pox - see your GP
It may be allergic to something in its food or in its cage. Try to find the source.
u obviously got sunburn ____ You may also have a rash or allergic reaction to something as well.
Since you can get a rash from human urine (think diaper rash) - yeah you can get a rash from dog urine but a brief exposure usually won't be enough unless you are allergic to something the dog ate.
One of the most common symptoms of an allergic reaction is an itchy rash
It is possible to have an allergic reaction to anything if your body recognizes it as something that will harm it.
if you start choking, find a rash or by having your hands and face inflate
maybe be she ate something she's allergic to. :( Or. Maybe, She Has an eye infection?.
Using toothpaste sounds like something to try since it has baking soda in it. If the rash covers a large area, though, you might try taking benedryl and using a 1% cortisone cream or caladryl. An oatmeal bath will also calm the rash. A rash in an area where skin rubs together is treated with any diaper rash cream for relief. However, if you got the rash right after taking a new medication, stop taking it and call your doctor. You may be having an allergic reaction.