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An adult can treat pimples just like a teenager would. Keep your face clean, use over the counter products such as Oxy or Clearasil. If the breakout is severe, you might want to see a dermatologist for treatment.

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Q: How do you treat pimples for an adult?
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How do you get rid of a pimple you already popped?

It is not wise to pop pimples since you spread the infection to other parts of your face will be infected with pimples. It also makes the wound open making it prone to infection.To treat you popped pimples wash your face with antibiotic soap or soap with glycerin. The treat your pimples natural remedies like lemon, honey or aloe vera.

What is the Pimples treatment?

You can treat pimples with benzoyl peroxide. This will dry up the pimple. If the pimple leaves a mark on your face you can put fading cream on the mark.

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Yes, use it in a pasty form and rub it on. Aspirin can also treat pimples, mosquito bites, bee stings, and stains.

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You can find more information about pimple treatment by googling things like "acne" or "acne treatment". The best way I was able to treat pimples was with clean and clear.

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You can rub some saliva on it. The enzymes on your tounge will help kill the bacteria and bring out the pimple

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I have pimples, so if u leave it it will stay. you can pop it, or wash ur face, and it will go away eventually. Ur skin has oil in it. The bacteria and oil mix and that creates a pimples. Just take good care of ur face. Treat it like it is a child. Care for it. Wash it.

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Cetaphil works amazing

Does salt help to heal pimples?

I do not recommend salt as a treatment for pimples. Keep your skin very clean, removing any layers of dead skin (this process is technically called exfoliation) and if necessary treat with benzoil peroxide, or any peroxide compound.

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