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Q: How do you treat pancytopenia?
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What is the prefix in the term pancytopenia?

The prefix in pancytopenia is "pan-," which means "all" or "whole." In this term, it signifies a deficiency of all types of blood cells.

Where can one get information about pancytopenia?

One may get information about pancytopenia from the website WebMD. They have a full description of the condition and potential solutions or side effects of treatments.

What is deficiency of all blood cells called?


Is pancytopenia the same as neutropenia?

No , pancytopenia is the loss of production of ALL blood coll types , red, white and platelets, neutropenia is the loss of a white cell , the neutropils only..

Is there a cure for chronic pancytopenia anemia?

No, definitely no. My husband passed away from severe pancytopenia anemia and Hodgkin's Lymphoma cancer. Both those things were closely related to one another

What is the deficiency of all (blood) cells?


What is an abnormally reduced number of all cellular components in the blood?


What causes pancytopenia?

It is a shortage of red and white blood cells- the bone marrow- for some reason- is not making the cells. Pancytopenia occurs in two forms: idiopathic, in which the cause is not known, but is often autoimmune, meaning that the body attacks its own tissues as foreign substances; and secondary, often caused by environmental factors. Approximately half of all pancytopenia cases are idiopathic. In other cases, viral infections, radiation or chemotherapy treatments, drug reactions, and exposure to toxins may precipitate the development of pancytopenia.

What is pancytosis?

An increase in RBCs, WBCs, and Platelets (as opposed to pancytopenia, which is a decrease in those)

Low white cells?

in typhoid or malaria in chemotherapy in some cases leukemia in pancytopenia

Does hemolytic anemia refer to the deficient production of all cellular elements of the blood?

No. Pancytopenia refers to this condition.

Pancytopenia could be found in a patient with?

Leukemia, along with many other conditions. but typically it is aplastic anemia