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Go to the doctors.... Lol

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Q: How do you treat from a serve sunburn?
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How do you treat face burn?

You can buy an aloe plant. When you do, cut its leaf off and squirt its juices on your sunburn

What is a reflective sunburn?

A reflecting sunburn is a sunburn that does not last long.

How do you treat a sunburn?

ice or lotion... somthings that sting makes it hurt but you can tell its working! XD

Is it 'a sunburn' or 'sunburn'?

The most common way is 'a sunburn.' I got a sunburn. You will get a sunburn. Without the article is often used in the past tense, 'I got sunburned.'

What animal can get a 'sunburn'?

Only hairless animals get a sunburn. Pigs can get sunburn.

What diseases does Hibiscus sabdariffa treat?

Fevers, high blood pressure, coughs, hemorrhoids, sunburn and wounds. May be used to treat scurvy, premenstrual syndrome, ease childbirth, abortion, ascariasis, tuberculosis and cancer.

What can you do to treat sun poisoning?

The best thing to do is to keep applying corticosteroid creams such as cortaid and to make sure that you DO NOT scratch and itch the blisters. It would also be a good idea to stay out of the sun and to treat sun poisoning the same way that you would treat a mild sunburn.

Is sunburn compound word?

sunburn is a compound word. sun + burn = sunburn

Is sunburn a compound word?

Sunburn is a compound word. sun + burn = sunburn

Why is calamine lotion is rubbed to treat an ant sting?

calamine lotion and is used as an anti-itching agent to treat mild pruritic conditions such as sunburn, eczema, rashes, poison ivy, chickenpox, and insect bites and stings.

What can you do for sunburn on your face?

To take care of sunburn on your face you treat it like any other sunburn that would happen on your body. You first keep applying aloe on it at C-VS stores and Rite Aid stores they have these aloe masks for sun burns on the face. Then after you should drink lots of water and stay in a cool area.