I would strongly suggest you not attempt this - boric acid can be very caustic and if applied to or around a cat's eye could result in the cat losing that eye to chemical burns. If the cat is young (less than 1 year old), you can use warm water compresses to loosen the crusty material that gums the eyelids closed and gently wipe over the eyelids to help remove the pus. If the cat is older or the conjunctivitis doesn't resolve within a few days, you should take the cat to your vet.
People would often use boric acid to kill ants. Yes, boric acid could kill a cat as it contains harmful toxins.
I've read that Cat nip and Bay leaves are an effective repellent. Also, Boric acid is supposed to kill all roaches because they take the boric acid back to their nests...
Conjunctivitis tobramycin is more effective than gentamicin for a cat.
It is toxic to cats, meaning it can kill them. If you are using it for roach or other insect pest control, it is usually OK unless you put it in areas where the cat will walk, because then the cat will get it on their paws and lick it off. Do not use boric acid at all around kittens, as they tend to explore more and would be more likely to get into it and die from it. See the Related link below.
I think you mean boric acid and by all means do NOT put it anywhere near a cat's eyes, as you could damage them.
put it in its food or treat.
AnswerWell I would say to treat your cat like a dog.* Give your cat belly rubs* Walk your cat when there a kitten so they can get use to it when their a adult.If there an adult its fine but walk them like everyday.* Give your cat lots of attention* teach your cat tricks*treat your cat like you would treat a dog
There is really no way to do this. You may have to try to treat this cat with help.
You're doing it the hard way. Boric acid is a staple of off the shelf baits- you are trying to manufacture it at home and hoping the species of ant you are after will be drawn by the cat food. Search Fluoridated ant bait stations- they are commercial quality and the best I've used yet. Irresistible to almost all ants.
get him or her a wiskers cat stocking For Christmas its a good treat for him or her i got one for my cat he loved it and he was misuivious
A shorthair grey tabby