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Drink a lot of water.

The old saying applies here " THE SOLUTION TO POLLUTION IS DILUTION" I also use two alka seltzer tabs dilluted in a glass of tepid tap water. It works for me. I have an acidic digestive system and eat a lot of jersey tomatoes in the summer. I 'm convinced this is what causes my canker sores in the summer time. the alka seltzer neutralizes from the stomach up and along with lots of water it generally does the trick in short order................

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Purchase an over the counter medication called TINCTURE of BENZOIN & apply twice daily. It should speed healing to about two days. As with all medications read the directions and warnings and observe the response of applications. What this medication does is forms a protective coating over the cankerous mouth sore and allows it to heal without saliva interfering with the process.

*** A word of caution This product lends itself to staining any thing it comes in contact with. I utilize a Q-tip for application. I used to use my finger tip but it not only stains the tip of your finger, it also becomes very sticky as it forms it's protective shield.......Also I have encountered young pharmacists who are not familiar with this product as it is like me, very old.........This product has been very effective speeding the healing process in cold sore and canker applications

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How do you treat a canker sores?

Orajel works on canker sores. Buy it at most pharmacies.

How do you treat bacteria canker in apricot tree?

To treat bacterial canker in apricot tree, you need to remove wilted limbs and cut out all cankered areas on the tree. An application of copper fungicide can help with this disease. However, many trees will be unable to recuperate after bacterial canker and need to be cut down. Bacterial canker causes dark spots to appear om the limbs and branches of a tree.

How do you treat canker sores?

Orajel works on canker sores. Buy it at most pharmacies.

What will happen if you see a bump on your toungue?

It is probably just a canker soar if it's a little painful, most likely caused by sugar. Just give it a little while it will eventually go away.

What is a canker fly?

A canker fly (plural canker flies) refers to a fly that eats fruits

How contagious are canker sores?

Canker sores are not infectious.

What is singaw in Tagalog?

Singaw in Tagalog refers to a canker sore or mouth ulcer, which is a small, painful lesion that appears inside the mouth. It can be caused by various factors such as stress, injury, or certain foods.

What is the future tense of soar?

The future tense of "soar" is "will soar." For example, "The eagle will soar high in the sky."

How are canker sores diagnosed?

Canker sores are diagnosed by observation of the blister.

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Does Ambien cause canker sores?

Ambien doesn't cause canker sores.

Can making out with a person who gets canker sores give you canker sores?

No. I have canker sores and have never kowingly given some one canker sores. Canker sores are not caused by the same thing that causes cold sores and as far as I know they are not contagious. But to be on the safe side avoid kissing this person until their canker sores go away.