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If you were involved with one and he/she is a chameleon and fools others (only for a short time usually) then worry about getting on with your own life and realizing that others can look after themselves. Sociopath/narcissist will hang themselves every time ... they just have to open their mouths!

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12y ago

Unless a sociopath is professionally diagnosed, you cannot tell that person that he/she is a sociopath. And the chances of one going to get a diagnosis are virtually nil. And DO NOT tell others that you think he/she is a sociopath in case it gets back to the person. Since a sociopath has no conscience, and since only self matters to a sociopath, he/she can be vindictive and even litigious when it comes to being told about his/her condition. There is no therapy to "fix" this condition - just protect yourself and those around you. Get the person out of your life as cleanly and quickly as possible.

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How do you tell someone they are a sociopath?

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No, one should never marry a sociopath. Marriage involves trust, and a sociopath by his very nature cannot ever be trusted completely.

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Although i haven't seen it done, i'm sure it could be. All that would need to be done is to watch the brain of a person who is, and one who isn't a sociopath, in a social environment. any differences would be tell tail signs

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join him :)

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if you are asking, you're not one.

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you get a restraining order and you tell the judge that he is a sico and then your child will be safe

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looking in their eyes is the best bet. the eyes tell all