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You really can't stop the flow and how much. There is one exception and the flow lessens with the use of Birth Control pills and some perscriptions that the doctor can give you to help with heavy period.

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15y ago

You can try NovaSure. It is an ablation process to make the lining of your uterus thinner and you will have lighter periods. You can also try an IUD like Mirena.

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Q: How do you stop your period bleeding so much?
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If you take utovlan on the day your period starts will this stop the bleeding until you stop talin the tablets?

The bleeding will not stop immediatley but will after a day or so.

Why am i bleeding for a week after my period?

It could be your period still. Sometimes they stop and start. If you have been sick it will sometimes stop and then restart. Sex can stop a period for a day or so. If you are young and just starting it takes a bit for your cycle to settle down.

What makes the bleeding stop?

Put a band aid or any medic supply to it so it will stop bleeding

You have only been on birth control for 3 weeks and you hate it so you quit now you are bleeding How long will it take you to stop bleeding and get your normal period?

If you have been bleeding for longer than you would during your normal menstrual period, or the volume of blood is unusually large, you should consult your physician or practitioner. There may be something going on, other than the return of your menstrual period.

If you get your period this month and it lasted more than it usually last but the a week later you get it again but I am not bleeding that much what can this mean i don't take the pill?

Your period is irregular. So what.

Why is compression important?

Compression is important to stop bleeding on a wound. Pressing on a bleeding wound will close off the veins so the bleeding slows down.

Is it possible to get period after implantation bleeding and still be pregnant?

I'm not sure I'm in the same situation I had Implantation bleeding 11 days after my period then 2 weeks after I got my period so I'm not so sure. I wonder If people who have periods while pregnant get Implantation bleeding right at the beginning Pink Princess

I have headaches dizziness throwing up and cramping but had my period this month so what's wrong?

You may have thought it was your period but it may have been vaginal bleeding. Have you taken a pregnancy test? I would take one after the bleeding has stopped. The bleeding you experienced could infact be implantation bleeding not your period. I say this because of the symptoms you explained.

How can you stop pixels bleeding with in php?

PHP is a server-side scripting language, which actually has little to do with pixels on your users' computers; so there is no real way to stop pixel bleeding in PHP.

Would drinking too much stop your periods?

No it wont stop if you drink to much, no matter what you have you wont be able to stop you're hormones on working. Period is a constant thing which will happen every two weeks, however if the person has contraceptive pills this may stop your period only 4 some time but the person have to have them pills everyday. So Frankly speaking NO DRINKING TO MUCH WILL NOT STOP YOUR PERIODS!

Can you have implantation bleeding 1 day before you period is due?

Implantation bleeding typically occurs 6-12 days after ovulation, around the time of expected period. Bleeding one day before period is due is more likely to be period-related rather than implantation bleeding. However, every person's body is different so it is possible for some to experience variation.

If you take the pill for 2 weeks will you skip your period?

No. You should still have your period. Most people don't skip there periods unless they have been taken there pills for months. So expect your period.