A slap on the wrist is a small penalty. It refers to someone getting away with something without having much of a consequence.
if your hurting, hurt the hurting with more hurting, the hurtin will then be hurted. Hurt.
The shattered remains of glass mugs can be removed from a child's foot without hurting them too much by being very gentle. They must keep the child calm and remove the remains slowly.
to chock a dog for a few seconds without hurting it to much and if their not obeying their owners commands.
Left wrist... To whom much is given, much is expected..... Right wrist... A key...(to match the lock on husband, Sheldon Williams wrist) and one on her lower back. Left wrist... To whom much is given, much is expected..... Right wrist... A key...(to match the lock on husband, Sheldon Williams wrist) and one on her lower back.
It's a sprain in the upper ligament of your ankle. These are usually much more painful and take longer to heal. (I had one about 2 months ago and they suck). The only good part is that with a high ankle sprain there is less of a chance of recurring problems as compared to a low ankle sprain aka. regular sprain.
Kills the pain. You need a shot at the dentist, so it numbs your mouth. Then the dentists can operate without hurting you as much.
Ofcourse it is where would it be without it? Once my knees were hurting because of too much masturbation and so it has to be because of this.
Are you mad?! You shouldn't let you dog drink at all!!
Do a little research but the best way is to just look
If you're certain it's a sprain and not anything more serious there isn't much the hospital can do for you. Ice it, elevate it and wrap it up.
I recently broke my wrist and thankfully a doctor was walking her dogs and thought I had sprained it. She said to put it into a sling and keep ice wrapped in a tea towel on it until the pain ceases. It should heal in around a few days. The trick is to keep ice on it even when it starts to burn. Keep it constantly supported and if the ice burning becomes to much wrap it in something thicker.